Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blog 6:Hope

Hope is something that can sometimes be pushed to the side. So many bad and tough things happen to one in a lifetime that we may doubt the powere hope has one one. It gives us the energy to move,gives us direction. It made me think about Night. and how the Jews whole life was haning on the fact of "do i still hope" and if you lost that hope, you would die.
Pulsifer, Catherine. "Poem for Hope ." Inspirational Words of Wisdom. 25 Mar 2009 .

Blog 15:Overcoming odds

I was tired of reading about depressing storys (all the books this year for english) so i wanted to read something uplifting about somebody doing something extrordonary. A 101 year old man was called the oldest marathon runner last april. This made me happy because it made me think about how old i can survive, and that people can stay interesting when they get older, they all dont have to be the typicall grandparent.
"101-year-old Buster Martin to run marathon." MSN april 12 2008 25 Mar 2009 .

Blog 9: Bollywood

I have been wanting to see Slumdog Millionaire for quite some time now. An i read that i was seen to have a Bollywood essence, but i would not know. I'm not really sure what exactly Bollywood is, but i think that its just like a bunch of Indian movies and songs and stuff like that, but placed under a category, like Hollywood.
"Slumdog Millionaire." IMDb. IMDb. 25 Mar 2009 .

Blog 8: Culture

I wanted to learn more about the type of food that people eat in India. I looked at an Indian recipe cite and it was very different compared to the food that i eat. Most of the food on that cite was out of the ordinary for me. It made me think about how people can be so different, but still have the same life goals. people dress differently, eat different food, worship different or no gods. But the goal in life is to survive. our life revolves around food, because without it, we would be gone. Then i started to think about Night, and that just proved my thought about us revolving around food, because the Jews at the camps only thought about basic needs even after they were liberated.
"India Food Recipes Forever." Indian food forever 25 Mar 2009 .

Blog 7:Change

I read an article about how melting glaciers may force Italy and Switzerland to redraw their boarders. when i was reading this, i started to think about how many different kinds of change can occur. there can be physical change, like in this article. there can be change of laws, change of relationships, the list just goes on and on. But i think that in this article, the physical change is scary, because it makes me think about global warming and how it is truly starting to effect us.
"Melting glaciers force Italy, Swiss to redraw border." CNN 25,3,2009 25 Mar 2009 .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Love:Blog 14
I was thinking about love and then i remembered this song. I liked this song when it first came out but then it got overplayed on the radio so then i didnt exactly like it that much anymore. But in this song, i liked how taylor swift sang about how they both had to be together and would go though whatever it took to be together. and when i think about love. thats what i think about.

War:Blog 13

I read an article about how a peacekeeper died in a Darfur shootout. I think that this article could possibly relate to Night. It could relate to that story line because the peacekeeper in Darfur was helpless and non-violent and was trying to help the country. Night is related to this because its on the camps in oushvits. non-violent and helpless Jews were killed for no reason, that that made me think of this article.
"Peacekeeper dies in Darfur shootout." 17 3 2009 15 Mar 2009 .

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Colonization:Blog 12

nosotro, rit. "europe's colonization of africa." 15,4,2008 1. 11 Mar 2009 .
This article about the colonization of africa relates to Things Fall Apart because we know that in this book, people are going to start to "help" this tribe. this article talks about how the natives never asked for help, and that seems to be the case with all the the storys of colonization. i think that the british, and everyone else should stop butting into peoples lives, or if they wanted to truly help, they would do it less violnently.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

global issues:Blog #11

in the world. starvation is a main problem that we need to focus on. we do not realize what the statistics are, but every year, aproximatly 15 million children die from it. this problem can be solved by giving one dollar to an organization of your choice. instead of buying a missle. you could feed a school full of children for 5 years. i think that peoples prioritys are off.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

holidays. Blog 10

St.Patrick's day is one of the more unusual holidays for us to celebrate. for some people, it is a time to look into their ancestry and look at their roots. for others. it means nothing to them, seeing as they could not be Irish, or they could just not know what it means and not think that its a big deal. i wanted to know more about this holiday because i am a quarter Irish and i did not know why we celebrated it. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. he is one or Christianity's most widely known figures. he is best known for banishing all of the snakes in Ireland. but that turns out to be just an exaggerated story.

Religion. Blog 5

the monastery of santa maria de poblet is located in catalonia (spain). it was founded by the cistercian monks of france. the monastery was founded in 1151 and was abandonded in 1835. then restored in the 1940s. i find the history of this monastery very interesting because i went to it over the past summer for a wedding. it would have been a lot more interesting if i had known some of these facts back then.