Tuesday, December 2, 2008

quick read

for my quick reading min. i chose to read a section out of Marley and Me. I really enjoyed this book because it was so easy to relate to the characters because when i was reading it. my golder retriever was also a puppy that acted exactly like Marley. the part i read was when Jenny and John were making their final choice on a dog finalized by "the scare test". i also chose to read this book because it is soon to be a movie.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I recently read a fung shui book. It was a collection of fung shui ideas and how to apply basic fung shui principals into everyday life style. It also taught you what the different colors are supposed to bring to your life. Some examples of how to change your decore to bring the benefits of fung shui are, to put a vase of yellow flowers in your kitchen to increase your wealth. You can also tie nine small bells on a red chord and hang it from your front door to bring happiness into your home.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

In movies there are several different types of heros. The prince who saves the damsel in distress. The citizen who fights for what is right, no matter how harsh of a punishment. Why'll looking at these differnt heros, i decided to focus on Human and Animal heros.


Batman is a hero because he saves the town from the joker, and numerous other "bad guys"

Hercules is a hero because he risks his life in order to save Megaras. He is also a hero because he saves his home from all of the creatures Hades trys to kill him with.

Forrest gump is a hero because he wins the metal of honor for his courageous efforts in the Vietnam war.

In movies there are several different types of heros. The prince who saves the damsil in distress, the citizen who sticks up for what is right no matter how harsh a punishment. Why'll examining the different heros iv decided to focus on human and animal heros.


Chance, Shadow and Sassy are heros because they all help eachother survive in this long journy to find their home and family.

Lassie is a hero because she informs people when theres trouble. She is selfless and is always willing to help others.

Buddy is a hero because he is a friend to Josh when hes going through a tough time coping with the death of his dad. Buddy is also a hero because he helps the Timberwolves win the finals.

CONCLUSION: Animal and human heros are very similar, they can both save people and do good. They both have a yern to help people and do good. Both are selfless and think about others before themselves, thats why they are considered heros.

animal vs human movie heros

Heros in a box


Monday, October 20, 2008

Heros in a box


Sunday, October 19, 2008


I finished the sequal to stargirl, called love, stargirl. I enjoyed this book even more because it was from stargirls point of view this time. This book made me think about how much good a person can do & feel. It was a little frusterating at times because i always wanted her and leo together, even if that wasnt the case. I would also recommend this book to people who have read stargirl, because you feel like your one of the characters, or in the book.


I finished a book called star girl by jerry spinelli a few days ago. Iv read it before but i forgot what it was about, i remebered liking it so i decided to re-read it because its a short book. I loved this book because it makes people think about how they act, and how they can be better people. I would recomend this book to everybody.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I was searching around the internet for an interesting health article, and i found one about the bird flu. It was about how Minnesota may not buy all of the medication. Minnesota has all ready spent 4 million dollars on medication. The drug has a shelf life of 7 years. I didnt really have an opinion on this article because i havnt heard anything about the bird flu in a long time, and i thought that it almost dissapeared.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I just finished the first book in the series called The Au Pairs by melissa de la cruz. Its about these three girls who come from compleity different lives, and work ass au pairs in the hamptons for the summer. the book got a little annoying, but i had to finish it (its one of my pet peeeves). I havnt decided if i want to read the second book because it seemed like one of those books that are a waste of time. Although i do enjoy trashy girl reads, this one however wasnt a good one i believe.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I just read and article about this woman who lost 160 pounds by going on the "raw" diet. I found this article really confusing because it said that her diet consisted of uncooked and unprocessed vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. I was trying to think of how somebody could only eat those food groups, and i got lost. I compared what i normally eat, and what she would normally eat, and it seemed like she was starving herself. Although im glad that her life turned around, within the first month of her dieting she got her first boyfriend of 5 years, and started feeling more emotionally, physically, and mentally happy.


I recently read a book called Marley and Me by John Grogan. I was happily suprised by how much i liked it, i never thought that a book about a dog could be so good. Its about a newly wed couple who decide to get a dog. They were shown the hard way that having a huge yellow lab would be more work than it seemed. I liked this book because it was fun for me to be able to relate my dog to marley. i recently found out that there is a movie comming out so im excited for that too, even though the books are usually better than the movies.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Civil Action Paragraph Response

If we polute the world, we are polluting our resources. people think that they can go around throwing their trash everywhere, and still have a safe clean planet. In the movie A Civil Action John Travoltas character Jan Schlichtmann comes across a case where peoples children in this small town are dying of lukemia due to drinking posinous water. if we are mean to our earth, then the earth is going to be "mean" to us.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

welcome friends!

HELLO! and welcome to the BEST blog in town