Thursday, October 23, 2008

In movies there are several different types of heros. The prince who saves the damsel in distress. The citizen who fights for what is right, no matter how harsh of a punishment. Why'll looking at these differnt heros, i decided to focus on Human and Animal heros.


Batman is a hero because he saves the town from the joker, and numerous other "bad guys"

Hercules is a hero because he risks his life in order to save Megaras. He is also a hero because he saves his home from all of the creatures Hades trys to kill him with.

Forrest gump is a hero because he wins the metal of honor for his courageous efforts in the Vietnam war.

In movies there are several different types of heros. The prince who saves the damsil in distress, the citizen who sticks up for what is right no matter how harsh a punishment. Why'll examining the different heros iv decided to focus on human and animal heros.


Chance, Shadow and Sassy are heros because they all help eachother survive in this long journy to find their home and family.

Lassie is a hero because she informs people when theres trouble. She is selfless and is always willing to help others.

Buddy is a hero because he is a friend to Josh when hes going through a tough time coping with the death of his dad. Buddy is also a hero because he helps the Timberwolves win the finals.

CONCLUSION: Animal and human heros are very similar, they can both save people and do good. They both have a yern to help people and do good. Both are selfless and think about others before themselves, thats why they are considered heros.

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